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1856 - Private Companies

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Flos Tramway - FT Cost $20 Revenue $5 Base L3
The FT has no special features.
Waterloo & Saugeen Railway Company - WSR Cost $40 Revenue $10 Base I12
The public company that owns this private company may place a free station marker on either city on the Kitchener hex (I12) if a space if available. The company may also place a green #59 tile in the Kitchener hex (I12) if it has not already been placed. Both actions are in the place of the public company's normal tile and/or station marker placement. The company need not be able to trace a legal train route to place the tile or station marker. The Waterloo & Saugeen Railway Company is closed at the end of the operating turn that the owning company performs either action.
The Canada Company - CC Cost $50 Revenue $10 Base H11
During its operating turn, the public company owning this private company may place a track tile in the hex occupied by this private company (H11). This track lay is in addition to the public company's normal track lay. The company need not be able to trace a legal train route to place this tile. This action does not close the private company.
Great Lakes Shipping Company - GLSC Cost $70 Revenue $15
At any time during its operating turn, the owning public company may place the port token in any one city adjacent to Lake Erie, Lake Huron or Georgian Bay. These cities are marked with an anchor symbol. The port token raises the value of that city by $20 for the owning company only. Once placed, the port token may not be moved. This port token, if placed, is removed when the first type '6' train is purchased. Placement of this token closes the Great Lakes Shipping Company.
Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company - NFSBC Cost $100 Revenue $20 Base P17/P19
The public company that owns this private company may add a $10 bonus when running to Buffalo (P17/P19). Other public companies may purchase the right to use this bonus by paying $50 to the owning company. This right may not be purchased if this private company is owned by a player. The right may be purchased from the bank for $50 after the private company closes. Companies that have gained this right never lose it. The Canadian Government Railways gains this right if any of its forming companies had this right.
St.Clair Frontier Tunnel Company - SCFTC Cost $100 Revenue $20 Base A14
The public company that owns this private company may add a $10 Port Huron bonus when running to Sarnia (B13). Other public companies may purchase the right to use this bonus by paying $50 to the owning company. This right may not be purchased if this private company is owned by a player. The right may be purchased from the bank for $50 after the private company closes. Companies that have gained this right never lose it. The Canadian Government Railways gains this right if any of its forming companies had this right.

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson September 1st 2004