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18xx Games

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Green Ball 18xx Ludography
A list of published 18xx games, excluding some minor/private production runs.
Green Ball 18xx Information
General information on individual 18xx games - what's in each box.
Tile Upgrade Charts for each game added in September 2020.
Green Ball The 18xx Rules Difference List Version 3-368 - November 15th 2020
More of an FAQ in some ways.
Use this link to view the list as a single page
Green Ball My tiles database, a resource that allows you to view tiles by number, colour, connections, style, station value and/or game.
For some games I have pages for 18xx maps and tiles, which is the information I provided players for games I ran by post.
There used to be a tile reference list spreadsheet, but that was retired in January 2022.
Green Ball 1825 - Combining Units
Updated information from Tresham Games about combining one or more 1825 games.
Green Ball 18xx sales
Titles from the Tresham Games range and others can be purchased from me.
Green Ball Chris Lawson's 18xx pages.
John David Galt's mirror of this seems to have disappeared. If it has moved please let me know its new location.

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My personal collection allows me to check the following games for the 18xx Inventories, Stock Markets, Tile Upgrade Charts and the 18xx Rules Difference List. For other games I will have to rely on input from others.

  • 1761
  • 1800 (version 3)
  • 1812
  • 1817
  • 1817 Volatility
  • 1817 NA
  • 1817 World
  • 1822 and 1822+
  • 1822 v2
  • 1822 CA
  • 1822 MRS
  • 1822 NRS
  • 1822 MX
  • 1822 PNW
  • 1824
  • 1824 v2 (Fox in the Box)
  • 1825 (all units and kits)
  • 1826 (XL Games)
  • 1826 v2 (Deep Thought Games)
  • 1829 North
  • 1829 South (1974 and 1982 rulebooks)
  • 1829 Mainline
  • 1830 (Avalon Hill)
  • 1830 v2 (Mayfair Games)
  • 1830 v3 (Lookout Games)
  • 1830 Cardgame
  • 1830Lummerland
  • 1830NL
  • 1831 (Carl Burger)
  • 1831 v2 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1832
  • 1833NE (on order)
  • 1834 (Winsome Games)
  • 1835
  • 1836
  • 1837 (Leonhard Orgler)
  • 1837 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1837SX
  • 1838 Rheinland
  • 1839
  • 1840 Vienna Tramways
  • 1841 (XL Games)
  • 1841 v2 (Deep Thought Games)
  • 1842 (version 3.1)
  • 1844 (Helmut Ohley)
  • 1844/1854 (Mayfair Games)
  • 1846 (Deep Thought Games)
  • 1846 (GMT Games)
  • 1847
  • 1847 Anniversary Edition
  • 1848
  • 1848 v2 (GMT Games)
  • 1849 v1 (Chris Lawson)
  • 1849 v2 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1849 v3 (All-Aboard Games - revised rules)
  • 1849: Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (on order)
  • 1850
  • 1850: Sicily
  • 1851
  • 1851Moon
  • 1853 (Hartland Trefoil)
  • 1853 v2 (Mayfair Games)
  • 1854 (Orgler)
  • 1854 v2 (Deep Thought Games)
  • 1856
  • 1857
  • 1858
  • 1859
  • 1860 v1
  • 1860 v2
  • 1860 v3
  • 1861 (JKLM Games)
  • 1861 v2 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1861/1867 (Grand Trunk Games)
  • 1862 Railways of the Eastern Counties (18EA) (LMN+B)
  • 1862 Railways of the Eastern Counties
    v2 (18EA) (GMT Games)
  • 1862 USA/Canada
  • 1864: Forty-Niner
  • 1865 Sardinia
  • 1867
  • 1868
  • 1869 The Golden Spike
  • 1869 USA West
  • 1870
  • 1873 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1873 (Marflow Games)
  • 1876 (Chris Lawson)
  • 1876 v2 (Marflow Games)
  • 1878
  • 1879 (All-Aboard Games)
  • 1879 (Winsome Games)
  • 1880
  • 1880 China v2
  • 1881 Berlin
  • 1882 Assiniboia
  • 1883
  • 1883 2nd Edition
  • 1883 Express d'Orient
  • 1886
  • 1888
  • 1888 North China
  • 1889
  • 1890
  • 1891
  • 1893 Cologne
  • 1895
  • 1898
  • 1899 v1
  • 1899 v2
  • 18Africa
  • 18AL
  • 18Ardennes
  • 18ARG
  • 18BE (on order)
  • 18BL
  • 18C2C
  • 18C2C 'D' Variant
  • 18CH
  • 18Chesapeake
  • 18Chesapeake Off the Rails
  • 18CLE
  • 18Cuba
  • 18CZ
  • 18Dixie
  • 18DO-Dortmund
  • 18EC
  • 18ESP (on order)
  • 18EU
  • 18EUS (on order)
  • 18EZ
  • 18FL
  • 18GA
  • 18GB
  • 18GB v2
  • 18GJ (Grand Junction)
  • 18GL
  • 18GM - The 18xx GameMaster
  • 18HeXX
  • 18Hiawatha
  • 18IN
  • 18India
  • 18Ireland
  • 18Ireland v2
  • 18JP-T
  • 18Kaas
  • 18Kids
  • 18LA (Los Angeles)
  • 18Lilliput
  • 18LRA - Lower Rhine Area (on order)
  • 18Magyarorszag
  • 18Magyarorszag Expansion
  • 18MEX
  • 18Milwaukee
  • 18MS
  • 18MS v2
  • 18MW (rules only)
  • 18NE (draft)
  • 18Neb
  • 18NewEngland
  • 18NewEngland 2 Companies Pack
  • 18NewEngland 2 Expansion
  • 18NK
  • 18NL
  • 18NW
  • 18NY
  • 18NY v2
  • 18NYC
  • 18OE
  • 18OL
  • 18PA
  • 18Rhl Rhineland
  • 18Rhl Rhineland v2 (on order)
  • 18Ruhr
  • 18Ruhr Extension 01
  • 18SA
  • 18Scan
  • 18SS
  • 18SJ
  • 18Svea (on order)
  • 18SY
  • 18TraXX 2020
  • 18TN
  • 18Tokaido (on order)
  • 18US
  • 18USA
  • 18VA
  • 18West (v1.0 and v2.3)
  • 18West v3
  • 18??
  • 1947
  • 2038
  • 21Moon
  • Omaha Spur
  • Poseidon
  • Powerrails
  • Railroad Barons
  • Railways of the Lost Atlas
  • Rolling Stock
  • Rolling Stock Stars
  • Shikoku 1889
  • Steam Over Holland
  • The Hiawathas
  • Ur 1830 BC
  • Ur 1830 BC v2 (on order)

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Mail me © Keith Thomasson July 25th 2024